Re: MxButton: size of label text

On 04/02/13 09:22, Gyorgy Kovesdi wrote:
How can i change the size of the text displayed on an MxButton? The default is
too small for me.
Add a css rule to match the button and set the font-size property to
whatever suits you.
Thanx, it worx. But i would prefer if it could be changed from software, without additional files.
I tried:
   g_object_set(button, "font-size", 32, NULL)
but it does not work.

I don't think there is a way to do that at the moment.

I would just describe all the css states I need in different pseudo classes,
and then programmaticaly change the css pseudo class.

Other possibility, for example, like mx_style_load_from_file(), there can be mx_style_load_from_text() or 
similar. Or is it possible somehow?
Any other possibility to set a property on MxStyle one-by-one would be useful, IMHO.

There is a mx_style_load_from_data() function. Might be what you're looking for.


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