Clutter Canvas and memory limits

I'm in a planning stage for an wee project - I'd like to know general info about clutter's canvas and how it uses memory (video and normal).

In a nutshell:
A drawing app. Imagine circle, path, image, etc. Like Inskcape.

I could have each object/element drawn as a Canvas-Actor (via Cairo) — Imagine this goes into the hundreds (and more..) of such objects.
(I get the benefits of Clutter's stack and events, etc. Bonus.)


I could draw all of the shapes (via Cairo) onto one Canvas-Actor. I'd have to implement a picking system and a custom retained-mode thing to manipulate the "objects" within that Canvas. (PITA).

Is option A a good idea in Clutter? How would I code (Python/C/Vala) in order to catch conditions where I am making too many surfaces or exceeding the V/RAM?

Are there any web resources I could visit that would help?


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