Changes Chronojump 0.7 -> 0.7.5

Changes since 0.7 (11 may 2008)

Major changes
-new splash window appears with progressbars (useful for feedback in
upgrading database)
-no more (definitively) black terminal
-now every user has its sport, speciality (if applicable), and level
-now every user has its country
-complete help in ports configuration
-output and error log on linux, and windows (hopefully also vista)
-chronojump-mini exports csv data (useful to work with two chronopics)
-file chooser is better, windows users will see big difference
-blank database is supplied by default if there's no db

Minor changes
-chronopic port is defined as COM? or /dev/ttyUSB? by default. Telling
user to configure it
-autoselection of tests after executing them
-jumps can have angle now
-pulses shows AVG difference.
-Explanations on difference between pulses.
-installed icons work better in all situations (.bat is no longer used)
-chronojump-mini is also in the start menu
-simulated events are distinguished from real
-More useful feedback to user

-completed es
-updated ca, oc, sv, en-GB,

Bugs fixed
-Lots of little annoying bugs fixed. Nothing serious.

Updated manual

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