Changes Chronojump 0.6 -> 0.62

New Chronojump version: 0.62 has arrived! Changes from 0.52 are a lot!

Main changes:
-person can change wheight between sessions without problem (also
after jumping (if instructor forgot to update before))
-Added Peak power formulas: Harman 1991, Shetty 2002, Canavan 2004, Lara
 2006 for male applicants to sports sciencies, 4 Lara female voleibol
 and university related formulas
-Peak power formulas can be applied to any simple jump without TC.
-stats show AVG and SD depending on selected rows
-report shows AVG and SD (and bolded)
-graphs show AVG
-graph size depends on data to graph
-lots of gui improvements

Minor changes:
-on start (if not first time) ask for chronopic connection.
-server works now with Mono.Data.Sqlite (Sqlite3)
-MakeFile includes webservice and WSDL compilation, on english and lot cleaner
-chronojumpServer.cs renamed chronojumpServerCSharp.cs
-not shown descriptions on graph window
-treeviews have contextual menus
-all windows have an icon (different graphs than others)
-DeletePersonFromSessionAndTests deletes all tests now
-Future sqlite compatibility: if someone changes computer and copies
db, if db is newer than chronojump, says to update chronojump
-chronojump.cs (init of program) separated from gui/chronojump.cs

Bugs fixed:
-fixed bug in session edit (date changed value)
-fixed bug on updating database versions and database opening
-Fixed crash on stats/simple and stats/simpleWithTC
-Fixed crash on stats/global (when show sex is activated)
-Added weightString to GlobalIndexed (F/v) when not sex separated
-Fixed bug in GlobalIndexes weight (F/v), and in f/v stat
-fixed bug in GlobalIndexes showing bad the sex in f/v sex separated

updated en, fr, oc, ca, es

More detailed info on Chronojump changelog:

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