Chronojump for windows using .NET, first tests

Hello all, this is the first mail with the results of some tests of
chronojump on windows using .NET (not MONO), all the tests are done in a
Windows XP

There are two .NET versions now 1.1 and 2.0, the serial port is finished
in 2.0 and not in 1.1 but i try to install all using 1.1 as i discuss

1.- I installed the .NET framework 1.1 service pack 1, for being able to
execute .net programs. It's a runtime. The name of the file is
dontnetfx.exe, it's EULA seems ok.

2.- I installed the .NET framework SDK 1.1, for being able to
compile .net programs. The name of the file is setup.exe

Every software compiled with mono should work in .NET but there can be
problems with gnome libraries...

This contains: 1.- Software Developer Kit; 2.- samples

3.- when i try to execute the chronojump-test using serialport mono2.0
libraries, it complains saying that i need at least .net framework2.0. I
found serialportnet, a 1.1 library that implements 2.0 serial port

The problem is that the homepage (a wiki) is not running now, and the
google cache only contains the main page. Then it's impossible to reach
the documentation or the getting started. If this persist, i will email
the author.

Google cache:

4.- downloaded the gtksharp runtime for .NET 1.1 (there's no 2.0
version), and the gtk-sharp-2.4.0-win32.0.1.exe with some samples. They
worked nice

this contains gtk+ 2.8, and gtk#1.0.10, gtk# 2.4.0

there are samples in:
c:\gtk\2.8\samples\gtk-sharp2.0 and other directories

they work

5.- Asked Miguel about a few thinks:

Q how to compile?
A use csc instead of mcs; there's no make, there's "nmake" but it's not

Q what to do with the incompatibilities with 1.1 and 2.0?
A Say the gtk# net maintainer that produce packages for 2.0 or "juggle"
with the assemblies

6.- NPlot should work (not tested)

7.- sqlite for should work (not tested)

8.- I see no problems in the licenses of anyone of the technologies
needed by chronojump on windows using .NET


the most important is:
1.- make serialportnet work in 1.1, if the documentation homepage is
still down, let's write the author
2.- try chronojump-mini on windows .net (compiled in mono)
3.- try chronojump-mini on windows .net (compiled in .net linkinig with
the serialportnet)
4.- try to compile a gtk# app in .net
5.- try to use and compile NPlot
6.- try to use and compile a sqlite test
7.- try to use, compile chronojump 
8.- if chronojump doesn't work, let's change some gnome widgets like the
9.- rest, beer

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