videobooth installations and os/computer setup recommendations

hey all,

i've been working on a bunch of videobooth appliances lately. sort of like a public telephone but leaves a message to youtube(or similar) channel.
this is an intro to a cart based one i ran in brooklyn for the last year:

that one is mac based. i've made a couple linux based ones but i have had a much harder time getting them to run reliably.
but i have had some success and i'm trying to transfer fully to linux based installations but i still have very little idea of what variables are most important for the machines i'm setting up.
i've used both fedora and ubuntu distros. a couple of the installs detailed at

the most recent one i'm working on is a ubuntu 10.10 install on a dual core athlon, 1.5gb ram, hp desktop.
the video is still pretty choppy despite the machine being much faster that any previous i have used. tried with 3 diff webcams as well. a couple logitech ones and a playstation eye.
any tips? other distros? special settings i can tweak in the background?

my desire with these installations is that the machine acts like a server or appliance. only recording and uploading videos, nothing else really.


everyt hingis
plebian design / broadcaster project / brooklyn mobile
16 norman st
cambridge ma 02138
mobile: 617-504-9619

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