Re: "batch mode" for countdown photos


what do you think of replacing the existing "photo mode" button in the main ui with a new button which has a little arrow on the right side (i know it from Thunderbird "Get Mail", or "Forward" and "Backward" in most browsers) where you can choose if you want to have normal photo mode or series of photos mode (yeah I know, we should figure out what the best description is, but in the main ui we could at least support that with an icon that shows 3pictures in a row, behind each other or something like that)

the part with the configuration is still a many pictures, what time delay in between. But what do you think about the idea itself?

I know there are a lot of guys and gals out there who would love to see this feature implemented, so please keep working on it :) there will be some solution...


Aidan Delaney wrote:
On Thu, 2009-06-25 at 10:26 +0200, daniel g. siegel wrote:
have a look here:
This patch implements batch mode.  However neither Daniel nor I can
think of a sane way to add this to the UI.  Currently it's a big ugly
spin-button in the middle of the default UI.  My thinking is that this
is a feature aimed at few users and therefore shouldn't clutter up the
main window.

So how do we add the feature to the UI?  My current thinking is to have
a "Batch Photo" under Cheese menu.  So you could choose to either be in
"Photo" "Video" or "Batch Photo" modes.  I would not add a batch photo
button to the default window.  The number of photos for batch mode and
the delay between photos would be set in the cheese preferences.

My main problem with this is that if I was to sit down at a photo
application for the first time and I saw the phrase "Batch Photo" I
wouldn't know what it meant.  Is there a better way to present this to
the user?

I certainly hope there is.  I'm happy to implement any suggestion that
sounds good.  However, unless we (i.e. you guys and girls) can figure
out a good way to implement the UI I'm tempted to pronounce the feature
as crack (I wrote the code, so I _hope_ I'm not insulting anyone else).


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