Re: making progress

Zenko Klapko Jr. wrote:
jhbuild finished and now I'm editing the src/Makefile to point to the
output of jhbuild (/opt/gnome2/). After that I execute make but the
linker complains about undefined references. I'm pointing CHEESE_LIBS
to -L/opt/gnome2/lib.

cheese-webcam.o: In function `cheese_webcam_create_webcam_source_bin':
/home/zenko/cheese/cheese-2.21.5/src/cheese-webcam.c:581: undefined
reference to `g_strcmp0'

Would someone mind a chat session tomorrow (Sunday) to help figure out
these last snafus? I feel like I'm really close to getting it to work.
Is there a cheese channel on IRC?


Alternatively, you could use a more recent distro. I was able to build cheese from svn, on its own, on Hardy Heron (Ubuntu 8.04 beta). You'll get errors for packages that are not installed (by default). Once you install them, the configure passed with no problems and cheese builds just fine. If you are not using Ubuntu, or don't want to use the beta version as your main OS, just use a virtual machine.

Hope that helps.


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