RE: How to add custom labels

I decided to develop a new calendar application for several reasons, these are some of them:

- To fit my needs
- I want to do practice with C++ and QT, so I'll do it with these two technologies
- I wish a modular application extensible with plugins (i.e. the architechture design is different)
- I don't want an application with too many dependencies (i.e. desktop environment indipendent)
- give to users one more choice
- give to other developers the opportunity to have one more open source project to improve

if I'll have the time, maybe I'll contribute also to improve california.

One more important thing, I've got an idea right now to help this project. Every year Google organizes the Google Summer of Code (GSoC), where he pays students to contribute to open source project. You should propose this project as a candidate, so maybe someone will work on it and will be paid by Google :)

The GSoC is already started, and from the 15 until 25 March students must choose a project and make a proposal. Luckly the GNOME project is a participant with several projects ("">) so you can try to insert this project in the list, but you have little time because students are choosing the projects.

If you think its too late, you can always make a propose the next year.


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