[Buoh-dev] [Fwd: buoh hacking]

Aqui viene el primer feedback de la nueva release :)

Creo que ya comentamos de hacer algo parecido. Si no le he entendido
mal, se trata de que si falla el último vaya al anterior hasta que
encuentre el comic. El problema es que si está abandonado tardaría
muuuuucho en encontrarlo, y como solución es un poco chapucera. Ya le
contestaré al chico este, pero podeis hacerlo vosotros si quereis :)


--------- Mensaje reenviado --------
De: André Lemos <tux tuxslare org>
Para: esteban steve-o org
Asunto: buoh hacking
Fecha: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 01:38:17 +0100


I've just discovered your program, and though it looks like a nice idea, 
I have a suggestion to make.

When adding a comic strip like I just did, I'm getting lots of 404, 
because buoh only checks the strips for the current date.

So why not go to as back as one week to check for the latest comic? That 
way, if the strip of _today_ isn't available, then you'd get the latest one.

If you want to, I can take a look at it in my free time, but I suppose 
it should be easier for you to make the change, as you are much more 
familiar with the code then I am.


Esteban Sánchez
 esteban steve-0 com
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