Re: [BuildStream] plugin as elements

Hi Ben,

On Tue, 2020-05-05 at 17:21 +0000, Benjamin Schubert wrote:
Hey Tristan, Hey all

Thanks for the detailed reply.

I've got some comments inline, but here is a summary and the implementation plan I think is our agreement.
If that is fine with everyone, I'll create issues about it so we can start implementing all the parts.

Please let me know if something required might not be possible with this solution.

- We can reference plugins with a 'junction' origin. The format is as follow:

- origin: junction
  junction: potato-junction.bst
    - starch
    - shop

Plugins referenced like that are loaded in the junction's context. However, all their defaults
are provided by the project that uses them, as is currently the case for the `pip` and `local`
sources. If a project wants to share defaults, they can provide an include file.

This looks perfect to me, and will be nice and straight forward to
document and use I think.

Fair point. My concern was if a plugin author didn't want to provide a project.conf. However,
we can compose sources in order to inject one, so the concern is moot.


I hadn't thought of this at all, it's always nice to see new useful
things we can do with already existing features :)


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