[BuildStream] plugin as elements

Hey everyone

This is a proposal to allow treating plugins as BuildStream elements.
I also propose keeping the `tar` source plugin in core.

This was first mentionned in [0], and then in the BST 2 plan
as 'Allow accessing plugins across junctions ?' [1]

Why ?

Some projects have requested to be able to use 'the exact same plugins' as
projects they junctions. Others have requested to be able to import plugins
without installing them as `pip` packages, but still be able to have a better
flexibility than just local plugins.

This would enable:
- Strict versioning of plugins
- Ensuring everyone in a project uses the exact same version
- Sharing plugins across junctions/projects

This would not:
- Remove pip-installable and local plugins
- Affect anyone not interested
- Installing and handling third party dependencies

The plan would be to add a new plugin `origin:`, which would be `bst`.

It would take one parameters:

element: which would be the name of the buildstream element containing
the plugin

The element providing plugins would be expected to have a layout similar to
the "local" plugin.

What it would change in the core:

- This would affect how we load elements, as we may need to load plugins during
load time. This is not a problem as we already have access to the scheduler
in the loader for junctions.

- Loading the plugin would mean extracting its content in a directory through
  casd and importing it from there. We already do such extraction for junctions.
  As for junction, this plugin would not be buildable and we would use the
  sources as the content.

What advantage does it have over current solutions (local and pip):

Over pip: it is per-project, and versionned with the project, so you are sure
that every user uses the correct version

Over local: no need to use submodules or vendor in the plugins, available
cross junction.

An example would be:


  - origin: bst
    path: my_junction:plugins.bst
      git: 0
  - origin: bst
    path: internal_plugins.bst
      cmake: 0

kind: plugin
- kind: tar
  url: gitlab:bst-plugins-experimental/tree/master.tar.gz

In order to allow us to bootstrap projects easily, I would suggest that we
therefore keep the `tar` plugin in core.

The tar plugin can be used to fetch python packages, archives and any other
distribution mechanism for those plugins and has no external dependencies by
default, which makes it convenient to use there. It also is deeply embedded
in our tests.

Any comments, suggestions, problems?
Does anyone foresee any problems that this would bring with regard to
remote execution?



- [0] https://mail.gnome.org/archives/buildstream-list/2019-April/msg00022.html
- [1] https://mail.gnome.org/archives/buildstream-list/2020-April/msg00013.html

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