[BuildStream] BuildStream 1.4.2 released

Hi all,

Here is another installment in the BuildStream 1.4.x saga.

What is BuildStream ?
BuildStream is a Free Software tool for building/integrating software
stacks. It takes inspiration, lessons and use-cases from various
projects including OBS, Reproducible Builds, Yocto, Baserock,
Buildroot, Aboriginal, GNOME Continuous, JHBuild, Flatpak Builder and
Android repo.

BuildStream supports multiple build-systems (e.g. autotools, cmake,
distutils, make, meson), and can create outputs in a range of formats
(e.g. debian packages, flatpak runtimes, sysroots, system images) for
multiple platforms and chipsets.

buildstream 1.4.2

  o Support for python 3.8

  o Fix a stacktrace with a hang we can experience when we CTRL-C a job

  o Workaround some servers which do not honor the 'If-None-Match' HTTP
    header and avoid downloading files redundantly in these cases.

  o Allow specifying absolute paths in overlap-whitelist (issue #721)

  o Support systems with fuse3 (avoid passing unsupported argument
    to fusermount3)

 - Abderrahim Kitouni
 - Benjamin Schubert
 - Chandan Singh
 - Darius Makovsky
 - Javier Jardón
 - Tristan Van Berkom
 - Valentin David

Where can I get it ?

For more information on the BuildStream project, visit our home page
at https://buildstream.build/


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