Re: [BuildStream] Proposal: More development snapshots, more often

On 2019-09-12 08:25, Jürg Billeter wrote:
Sorry again for the accidental push to master.

For most of the repositories I work with, no one is allowed to
directly push to the master branch. That's not an excuse but I wonder
if it would make sense to do the same for this repository as well? If
nothing else, that might prevent such accidents.
I find this is an easy mistake to make - I've done it myself (on another 
This probably make sense. Right now push to the master branch is
allowed for users with the 'Maintainer' role (GitLab default, afaik),
i.e., the branch is only protected for users with the 'Developer' role.
The need to push without merge should be extremely rare (broken CI) and
in that case we could still temporarily unprotect it for a particular
Amending this seems sensible to me. We should remember to re-generate 
the committers list after we make these amendments.

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