Re: [BuildStream] BuildStream 1.4.0 released

On Mon, 2019-09-02 at 19:27 +0200, Valentin David via buildstream-list
Hi all,

This is the first release of new stable branch 1.4.

BuildStream 1.4 is compatible in every way with previous BuildStream
releases, and is not to be confused with the immense amount of
work to ultimately create BuildStream 2, for which there is still no
release date planned.

BuildStream 1.4 is a small feature release meant to address a few of
the current pain points people are having with BuildStream 1.

What is BuildStream ?
BuildStream is a Free Software tool for building/integrating software
stacks. It takes inspiration, lessons and use-cases from various
projects including OBS, Reproducible Builds, Yocto, Baserock,
Buildroot, Aboriginal, GNOME Continuous, JHBuild, Flatpak Builder and
Android repo.

BuildStream supports multiple build-systems (e.g. autotools, cmake,
distutils, make, meson), and can create outputs in a range of formats
(e.g. debian packages, flatpak runtimes, sysroots, system images) for
multiple platforms and chipsets.

buildstream 1.4.0

  o Elements may now specify 'build-depends' and 'runtime-depends'
    to avoid having to specify the dependency type for every entry in

  o Elements may now specify cross-junction dependencies as simple
    using the format '{junction-name}:{element-name}'.

  o New `fatal-warnings` has been added to the project.conf format,
    projects to specify which warnings they want to consider as

    Support for the following warnings is included:

      o overlaps: When staged artifact files overlap
                  (deprecates: 'fail-on-overlap')

      o ref-not-in-track: When the source implementation finds that
                          the ref is out of bounds for the tracking

      o git:inconsistent-submodule: A .gitmodules file is present but
                                    submodule was never added to the

      o git:unlisted-submodule: A submodule exists but is not
                                in the YAML declaration.

      o git:invalid-submodule: A submodule is specified in the YAML
                               declaration but does not exist at the
                               given ref in the git repository.

  o BuildStream now depends on python3 ujson (for some internal

  o Workspaces can now be opened as relative paths.

    Existing open workspaces will not be converted to relative paths,
    (they need to be closed and opened again to get the new

  o Dependencies can now be specified as strict to force rebuild in
    non-strict mode. This is useful for statically linked

  o Git source plugins can optionally track human readable refs using
    the output of `git describe`.

 - Chandan Singh
 - Daniel Silverstone
 - Javier Jardón
 - Jonathan Maw
 - Josh Smith
 - Jürg Billeter
 - Mathieu Bridon
 - Phillip Smyth
 - Tom Pollard
 - Tristan Van Berkom
 - Valentin David

Where can I get it ?

For more information on the BuildStream project, visit our home page

buildstream-list mailing list
buildstream-list gnome org

\o/ Awesome!

Thanks to all of the contributors :)


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