Re: [BuildStream] Proposal: Decoupling source tracking from *all* commands

Hi Tristan,

Thanks for the write-up. I am definitely in favor of removing `--track*`
options from the rest of the commands.

I think that the codebase can really benefit from this cleanup, and it's not
worth the added complexity to maintain these options.

The arguments that came up in favor of retaining these options in the thread
about `bst build` were mostly related to parallelism. This does not apply to
`bst workspace open` at all, since tracking and opening workspace are not done
in parallel. It can apply to `bst fetch` to some extent if you are tracking an
entire project, but I'm again not convinced if the optimizations are worth it.

So, my vote goes to removing these options from the remaining two commands.

Looking forward to a simplified pipeline code.


PS: Same as the `bst build` thread, if people want these flags to avoid typing
two commands, we can consider adding them back purely as syntactic sugar. But,
let's not do that until there's popular demand for it.

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