[BuildStream] Weekly performance update

Hi all,

I've appended a line of results to the tables that I posted to the list last week [0], and also attached the notebook. I've not yet been able to host these somewhere.

See last weeks email ([0]) if you're struggling to open the notebook (the graphs have some fun interactive features).

Results below:

Averages of the show and build times of base-files/base-files.bst [1]:

| Dates       | Show (s) | Show with cache (s) | Build (s) | Show once built (s) |
| 21/01-27/01 | 46.69    | 27.40               | 378.58    | 33.65               |
| 28/01-03/02 | 46.36    | 27.35               | 383.83    | 33.49               |
| 04-02-10/02 | 45.72    | 26.53               | 268.70    | 32.68               |
| 11/02-17/02 | 43.07    | 24.04               | 228.94    | 30.13               |
| 18/02-24/02 | 40.87    | 22.35               | 228.72    | 28.56               |

Averages of the maximum memory usage for the show and build of base-files/base-files.bst:

| Dates       | Show (MB) | Show with cache (MB) | Build (MB) | Show once built (MB) |
| 21/01-27/01 | 1084      | 1108                 | 1109       | 1110                 |
| 28/01-03/02 | 1083      | 1108                 | 1109       | 1110                 |
| 04-02-10/02 | 556       | 581                  | 582        | 582                  |
| 11/02-17/02 | 403       | 425                  | 425        | 426                  |
| 18/02-24/02 | 410       | 424                  | 425        | 425                  |

It seems that the results in this table would suggest that there was significant improvement last week, however, from looking at the notebook that doesn't seem to be the case. I suspect last week's (11/02-17/02) averages were higher because they included calculating averages with data points from pre-!1131 (danielsilverstone-ct/further-optimisations [2]). The timings throughout last week seem to be pretty consistent.

Hope you found this helpful.


[0] https://mail.gnome.org/archives/buildstream-list/2019-February/msg00046.html
[1] https://gitlab.com/jennis/benchmark_debian
[2] https://gitlab.com/BuildStream/buildstream/merge_requests/1131

Attachment: weekly_results.ipynb
Description: application/ipynb

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