Re: [BuildStream] Artifact as a Proto plan

Hi Raoul,

On Mon, 2019-02-11 at 14:53 +0000, Raoul Hidalgo Charman via
BuildStream-list wrote:
* GetArtifacts: gives a list of references returns the artifact protos
that are available. This will have an additional Boolean option for
checking content as GetArtifact does, but without it will return
artifact protos without updating  them.

I think I've misunderstood the description. I interpreted 'gives a list
of references' as 'returns a list of references' but now I think you
meant 'given a list of references', so a couple of the concerns I
raised are moot.

However, my other points with regards to dynamic pulling stand and I
still don't think we need GetArtifacts. Even if we want to change this
later, it's better to keep it separate from the more immediate switch
to Artifact-as-a-Proto.


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