Re: [BuildStream] Proposal: Allowing download-only sources to work on local files


For reference, I've wanted to see a feature like this since my second week on the project when I realized that the test suite needed to access local tarballs, so I'm very in favor of this, albeit not in its current form :)

- All source plugins which operate on files are unified as subclasses of
   a single base class, say FileBasedSource
- This base class handles the 'url' and 'ref' keys of the source config
- First it checks whether 'url' is a fully-qualified URL or is just a
   relative path. If it's the former, it is fetched as necessary and
   stored in the source cache
- If the URL is a relative path, specifying a ref is optional. If it is
   given and is different from what is calculated, an error is throw

This seems like the path of smallest disruption to existing users I would be tempted by not letting local not have a ref unless specified in project.conf but dose that sound too disruptive to others?

Unlike Will I'm not too happy about this, we'd need to classify whether a path is a URI or a relative path.

This is difficult, because a URI could be a perfectly valid path name, albeit a rather horrible one. While this isn't the most realistic use case, I'd much rather see a way to have both a `url` and `path`, as described for `remote` and `local` sources, simply to stay far away from using heuristics to decide anything - it feels wrong to have this ambiguity when we want precise definitions of inputs.

The simplest way to implement this would be to have an implementation for a new `path` key which simply performs the old operation, except with `file:///path-to-project/<path>` to prevent any disruption.

The 'local' and 'remote' sources could then also be unified to some
kind of 'copy' source, as 'copy' would act as either one depending on
whether a local path or full URL was given.

If desirable, the 'url' key could be split into mutually-exclusive
'url' and 'path' keys which would decide the behaviour.

Having two seems more explicit which seems more sensible but I don't have strong feelings here. With `path` for `relative to project` then url/uri as it works now.

For the single url key, would it work like: `uri: file://../bob.txt` for relative vs absolute `uri: file:///bob.txt`, this seems workable to me.

Just for reference here, the URI RFC explicitly disallows `./..` as part of path names. Again, I'd rather we don't use a single key, but instead stick to path/url, simply to stay consistent with the standards we're using - if only to make parsing simpler on our end and
stay somewhat inter-operable with other tools.



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