Re: [BuildStream] Proposal: Workspace related DX features & design

Hi Tristan,

On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 3:03 PM Tristan Van Berkom <tristan vanberkom codethink co uk> wrote:
Hi Chandan,

On Tue, 2018-09-04 at 12:55 +0100, Chandan Singh wrote:
> Hi all,
> I like Tristan's idea of --open better than --multi but I don't think
> it is very intuitive from users' point of view. It definitely allows
> us to provide a very feature-rich CLI but that might come at the cost
> of user experience.
> As a user, I would probably expect to run `bst workspace open foo.bst
> bar.bst` and not end up with a workspace for foo.bst in a directory
> called bar.bst. In my opinion, it is intuitive for this command to
> open workspaces for both elements since that is exactly how the other
> two workspace commands (close and reset) work, i.e. by accepting a
> list of elements as arguments. --open would introduce a weird
> asymmetry between `open` and other workspace commands. (open is
> already different from the other two commands, but I think we should
> try to close the gap instead.)
> If we are allowed to break API once, I would like to propose the
> following syntax:
>     bst workspace open ELEMENT [ELEMENT ...] [--directory DIR]
> This approach has a downside that users will not be able to specify
> different locations for different elements in the same bst invocation.
> But I don't think that that is a very common use-case and that the
> directory argument, in general, might see less use once we allow
> configuring default locations for workspaces. Even though it will be a
> bit restrictive, I think it will still do what it says on the tin,
> i.e. open workspaces for all elements in the directory specified by
> --directory option, which can default to '.' ($CWD).
> Just my 2 cents. Thoughts?

I do take your point, however; did you take into consideration that
with my counter proposal, we get to completely do away with this pesky
`--directory` argument altogether ?

I find this `--directory` thing quite obnoxious, especially as it is
intended to not be used after the user configures a directory, but is
somehow *required* if you want to place your workspace in a custom

Is there a better name for it than '--directory' that makes the behavior more obvious?

FWIW I take your point, I'm not sold on --directory either.  Mostly because of the counterintuitive behavior when using it in the context of opening a single element.  I don't believe there is a way to point to a custom path to a workspace that isn't derived from element name in the current proposal.
Now, I personally think that discouraging use of custom paths for workspaces is generally a good thing.  However, we shouldn't make it impossible. 
We have a much more intuitive experience when the optional directory
argument is a path and not a "workspacename", which can be absolute or
relative, and when relative is appended to the default location.

Being pedantic, where relative is appended to the default location if it doesn't start with ./ or ../.
On the other hand, I don't really expect humans to be opening multiple
workspaces at once; and would be happy to drop the feature entirely if
there wasn't significant push to make it possible to open multiple
workspaces at once.

Ah.  Let's explore that further.
Do we want to miss out on the opportunity to drop the `--directory`
argument, for the sake of a feature that I suspect almost nobody will
ever use, to be more intuitive ?

I expect that the push for supporting opening multiple workspaces in a
single command is driven more by an expectation that it will be useful
in automated scripts and in IDEs (and will be a time saver to do it in
a single command in those contexts), rather than an expectation that
humans will be using this multi open command, am I wrong ?

I think it depends on the way that people work.  A pattern I could see, is a user knowing he needs to make changes to app.bst, libA.bst and libB.bst.  And then opening workspaces for all of them in one go.

I would argue that the context of IDEs you brought up is also human driven, and then the time saver is relevant in terms of user experience.

I think we only have this one time where we can decide to support opening multiple workspaces.  If we don't do it now, I see the same CLI API breakage required in the future to be prohibitive.  As such I do think we need to a conscious decision here.

We essentially now have what boils down to the following:

A.  Support for custom workspace paths. No support for opening multiple workspaces.
$ bst workspace open ELEMENT [PATH]

B. No support for custom workspace paths. Support opening multiple workspaces.
$ bst workspace open ELEMENT [ELEMENT ...]

That isn't much of a choice, as not supporting custom workspace paths is not an option.  I can only think of one more option:

C. Support for custom workspace paths.  Support opening multiple workspaces.
$ bst workspace open --path PATH ELEMENT
$ bst workspace open ELEMENT [ELEMENT ...]

That is, when the --path option (or whatever name we choose), is specified you can only open a single workspace.  And when multiple workspaces are specified, you cannot use the --path option.  Where PATH is either an absolute directory (starts with /), a directory relative to the current directory (starts with ./), or a directory relative to the configured workspace directory.







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