Re: [BuildStream] Proposal: Workspace related DX features & design

On 03/09/18 14:43, Sander Striker wrote:

On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 2:59 PM William Salmon <will salmon codethink co uk> wrote:
I think myself and Tom agreed with Sanders last remarks so we have been a bit slow in responding.

As Tristan has been quite on this I amuse he is similarly minded, if not if he could reply sooner rather than later then it will avoid myself and tom codeing this up and then having a too lengthy MR rework.

I have made some notes further down as well.

Responses inline.
Thanks All

PS. Tristan i know you are supper busy wit 1.2 atm but if you could fine moment this week, as we will probs start next week that would be really appreciated.

On 28/08/18 23:11, Sander Striker wrote:

On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 1:12 PM Tom Pollard <tom pollard codethink co uk> wrote:
Hi Sander,

>     When opening a single element then you can:
>     bst workspace open --directory /path/to/workspaces --multi
>     elementA.bst elementB.bst
> Why do we need the --multi argument?  That doesn't seem intuitive.  If
> it is to get around the fact that otherwise elementB.bst would be
> interpreted as the workspacename, then I don't think we should do that. 
> Otherwise you end up with an open workspace carrying the name of the
> second element you wanted a workspace open for.

Yes it is to mitigate the situation you've mentioned. Will has some
thoughts about handling this with click in alternative ways, however as
it stands the most sane thing seemed to be the use of an additional flag.

I'm opposed to the --multi flag.  I don't think it's intuitive.

I am definitely concerned about this invocation in the current proposal resulting in:
$ bst workspace open elementA.bst elementB.bst
... opens up a workspace for elementA.bst in a directory called /path/to/workspaces/elementB.bst...

I think it makes more sense to in this case make a backward incompatible change to the CLI, for the benefit of a better user experience.

I read this as: we all dislike the --multi flag but we can think of a better way?
So I think we are agreed to go with the --multi/-m flag.

It's beyond dislike.  I really don't think we should do that based on the example I've given above.
Sorry I miss read your previous response.

If were trying to avoid the chance of missing something and getting miss named element then a really big change that would take a bit of getting used to for people familiar with the old system but hopefully clear to new people might be:

We could change from:
bst workspace open element.bst workspacename
bst workspace open [--directory /path/to/workspaces] [[elementname.bst] ...] [[--named elementName.bst workspaceName] ...]

This wold brake backwards api compatibility but would allow flexibility going forwards.

maybe my use of [] is a bit unclear. I have write something in code:

import click

@click.option('--named', nargs=2, multiple=True,
              help='a element and its custom name')
@click.argument('elements', nargs=-1)
def workspace_open(elements, named):
    """as many [elements] as you like and as many [--name element customWorkspaceName] as you like"""

if __name__ == '__main__':


$python3 build.bst --named thing.bst place
(('thing.bst', 'place'),)

This is the cleanest thing I can come up with that dose not have a option for multi elements but also allows for custom workspace names, however it is quite different to the original and is a bit messy.

We can call the --named option what ever we like.

Another good thing about this is if we check all the elements were going to make workspace for exists before we start making them then if some one tries to do the old way under the new way we can catch it and not make anything that the user didn't want eg.

$bst open workspace element.bst newname

would check if `newname` is a element and raise a error without doing anything unexpected..

This seems like a nice selling point to me.
> What is the recovery mode for a moved workspace that can't find its
> project?  Can it be re-registered?

Will mentioned that a user could 'fudge' the path given in a workspace
fragment which would allow for manual intervention in the case of
re-registering. Ultimately that's a bit messy so going forward with a
utility (a new flag for bst workspace?) for the re-association of
workspaces to projects is probably the right thing to do.

+1.  I don't really like the idea that we end up with an FAQ that tells you to edit the 'fragment'.
How 'smart'
this command would be, especially when trying to generate a list of
potential parent projects, is something that would need to be more
fleshed out if desired.

I think we'll be ok if we ask for confirmation to replace all associations with just the association to this single project.

I feel like this is a lot of effort when we could just say "we don't support moving projects", just clone/copy the project with out the .bst folder and set up new workspaces your self.

That said if we want a mover utility function/tidier its not a lot of effort so we could easily right it.

I prefer stating that we don't support moving over suggesting someone "...could 'fudge' the path given in a workspace fragment...".

I imagine from the user perspective this could look something like:
$ cd $project_dir
$ bst workspace close --force $element.bst
$ bst workspace open --directory /new/path/to/element/workspace $element.bst

which I think is acceptable.  The individual workspace commands should already be supported, unless I'm missing something?

I was thinking we would recommend something along the lines of:
* close existing workspaces
* move the project
* open the workspaces you need.
for general moving

but also recommend your commends if something gets out of sink for what ever reason.

I think we can do this more or less atm but we should insure that by the time we have made these changes it all definitely works.

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