Re: [BuildStream] Proposal: OCI image source plugin

On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 17:40:31 +0100, Javier Jardón wrote:
Is this going to be a generalization of the docker source plugin [1]
or a completely new one?

That's an interesting question.  The docker source plugin, quite naturally,
uses/supports a docker registry which is specific to docker rather than
entirely generic to OCI, though as Sander noted by referring to there is
the intention to standardise the docker registry API for OCI though as far as I
can tell there hasn't been an official release of this so we know for sure how
we'll interact with officially OCI compliant registries yet.

However, the core functionality of the docker source plugin is definitely
similar to the OCI specification (as you might expect) so perhaps an extension
of this plugin may be appropriate.

Thank you for raising this to my attention.


Daniel Silverstone                
Solutions Architect               GPG 4096/R Key Id: 3CCE BABE 206C 3B69

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