Re: [BuildStream] Thoughts around plugins (Too long, please read carefully)

On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 16:27:40 +0000, Sander Striker via BuildStream-list wrote:
I agree, and frankly I'd be completely happy to move away from "pip" and
leave local plugins which must be below the project core, encouraging the
of submodules or svn:external or however someone is storing their project.
git submodules and svn:external are both well know for their user
They're not glorious, but at the same time, they're far easier to *track and
trace* than arbitrary pip'd stuff.

Maintaining such an index _well_ is also significant effort, and has the
potential for similar scaling properties.

One alternative to submodules could be to include a repo URI and ref in the
plugin stanza in the project.conf though, and let BuildStream go ahead and
fetch the plugin.  I think it's entirely up to the plugin to be sensible
and alter its input into the cache key if it changes incompatibly though.

The cache keys part is fairly crucial.  I understand Tristan's thought
here, the only way to be truly sure about artifacts is to capture all the
inputs in the cachekey.  And here a plugin is an input.  That does lead to
the problem of instantly invalidating caches when a plugin gets updated (or
at least double storage requirements).
Where do we put the trust here?  Do we capture the plugin version and
potentially checksums in the artifact provenance, so that we at least know
what version of a plugin an artifact was produced with?  Or are we not
trusting at all, and do we invalidate caches, potentially more than
If we go down the "Only local plugins" route, or even "Only plugins loaded
from a Source we can 'track'" then I don't think we need to capture the plugin
content itself, save for being able to rebuild from an artifact if that's
a desirable thing.

If plugins weren't arbitrary python code, we'd stand a chance of including
them in the cache key, but it's simply not viable to rely on anything which
isn't a developer stating compatibility/reproducibility markers e.g. via
a FORMAT_VERSION type thing which we currently have.


Daniel Silverstone                
Solutions Architect               GPG 4096/R Key Id: 3CCE BABE 206C 3B69

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