Re: Automated benchmarks of BuildStream


That said, if people want to view this in CSV, your sample output could
*really* use some column alignment - looking through a CSV file and
attempting to spot an abnormality is something I've done for other
benchmarks in the past, it's not so uncommon, and is near impossible
without column alignment.
If you're talking about layout, I've found the 'column' command to be
particularly helpful when viewing csv's, e.g. for the sample output:

$ cat <<EOF | column -ts,
Name,Version,Total Time,Max RSS
Startup time,master,0.2866666666666667,21558.666666666668
Startup time,1.1.0,0.19666666666666666,21368
Startup time,1.0.1,0.45,31501.333333333332

Name          Version  Total Time           Max RSS
Startup time  master   0.2866666666666667   21558.666666666668
Startup time  1.1.0    0.19666666666666666  21368
Startup time  1.0.1    0.45                 31501.333333333332


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