What Problem does BuildStream Resolve ?

I've been re-reading the documentation and thinking about how to explain what problem the Buildstream tooling resolves. * it recursively maintains the dependencies between repositories of source code * it is a system that is constructed to build software using build software
     [one could say that it is a Meta-Build system]
* it provides isolation between builds and attempts to ensure builds are reproducible * it is capable of creation of filesystems which are capable of being consumed for
     instantiation of software.

    * Is it a schedule for the execution of the builds ?
* It doesn't appear to be possible for it to account for who caused the build to be initialised and the consumption of resources used in the build

For someone coming to buildstream for the first time, the questions which arise is why should I change my tooling ? What problems does it solve better than anything else currently available.. ?

The questions which sort of arise are for example, are why can't I used http://packer.io to provided reproducible isolated construction of filesystems ? Why is isolation of builds important ? Why yet another dependency management systems.. Shouldn't we just use what the Version Control Systems offer us.

Thanks in advance

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