Re: [BuildStream] Proposal: spreading responsibility and maintainership [Was: 1.4 Release timeline]

Hi Angelos !

On Wed, 2018-12-12 at 07:35 +0000, Angelos Evripiotis wrote:
GitLab actually does let you filter the WIP requests in the merge requests UI:

I updated the contributing guide to underscore the importance of WIP,
and linked to that documentation:

For example, here is that MR filter applied to BuildStream:

Wow, while this is hardly discoverable in the UI, it is really good to
know that they have implemented *something* at least !

For the notifications, I'm looking at sharing some useful RSS feeds
for folks that want to stay on top of everything. One of the things it
could do is separate WIP updates from non-WIP. I think that's probably
already possible with email filters, although I'm using these RSS
feeds instead myself.

It's a tough one, I personally like to receive this in my inbox, but
haven't bothered with the tedium of setting up filters in many years
(even if I am subscribed to around a dozen mailing lists, they all just
come to my few inboxes).

Can you share how we would interact with these feeds ? Do we have to
install some feed reader software to use them ? or are there ways we
can get this converted into emails that we can provide easy
instructions on how to subscribe ?


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