Re: [BuildStream] BuildGrid and BuildStream 1.4 and API concerns

Hi Tristan,

On Sun, 2018-12-02 at 19:34 +0900, Tristan Van Berkom via BuildStream-
list wrote:
To clarify, I am also very much against the bundling approach, as it
implies a lot of logistic overhead, just for a situation which will
hopefully only last one release cycle.

Besides the mentioned pain with bundling, I also don't think it would
be useful at all. For normal remote execution, you want to install
BuildGrid on a different system than BuildStream and there will
typically be multiple clients. So I don't see in what way bundling
would help with potential incompatibilities.

If BuildGrid breaks compatibility with a particular BuildStream release
at some point, we need to clearly document which version of BuildGrid
can be used with which version of BuildStream in the installation
instructions. However, I don't see a point of actual bundling. Or am I
misunderstanding something here?


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