Re: [BuildStream] Workspace related DX features and design, call for proposal

Hi all,

Just a quick reply here to say that myself & William Salmon are in the early stages of taking on this call for proposal and as such we're still very much trying to flesh out the overall scope. With that in mind it would be the ideal opportunity to raise ideas or issues that you would like to see considered for workspaces, along with revisiting the issues listed by Tristan to see if they're still reflective of the proposed use-cases.



On 13/08/18 12:08, Tristan Van Berkom via BuildStream-list wrote:
Hi all,

There has been a lot of interest in the last cycle to enhance how the
user can interact with workspaces, and I think it's time someone pay
closer attention to this feature set as a whole and make a clear
proposal to the list about how we intend to support these desired

These features cannot be thought of as independent improvements, as the
result will undoubtedly be confusing and undesirable.

As an example:

    We recently landed a branch[0] to support project relative workspace
    paths, except it doesn't actually do that. In fact, it only supports
    relative recording of workspace paths when the workspace is stored
    as a subdirectory of the project; which is a configuration we cannot

    Project data is controlled by the project, workspace location is
    decided by the end user; we should not be encouraging a setup where
    the user shoves their own data into the project, and risk
    accidentally adding unrelated stuff to the project itself, or having
    `git pull` fail because the user happened to place an unrelated file
    into the project directory, blocking the way for upstream changes to
    merge into a local project checkout.

A lot of thought has been put into this by Sander, Chandan and myself
in discussion on related issues, but I don't think this has amounted to
anything conclusive, as such; further development on these individual
issues lack the guidance of a master plan that we can agree on.

As such, I am asking that someone shoulder the responsibility of:

   * Understanding the underlying motivations for each of the related

   * Coming up with a proposal to this mailing list which outlines the
     new CLI semantics, and describes how these proposed changes
     satisfies the requirements of each of the mentioned issues.

   * After discussing this on the mailing list; the related issues
     should be updated to specify more accurately what should be
     done as a result of the proposal thread, so that developers can
     more easily understand the master plan and implement the related

     Possibly, some of the existing issues need to be closed if it
     is assessed that our master plan cannot realistically cater to
     all of the desired functionalities (or if those requirements can
     be satisfied in different ways), and possibly new issues need to
     be opened to reflect the result of the thread.

The list of related issues as far as I can see (I may have missed some
of them ?), are these:

     Allow configuring default location for workspaces

     Allow running bst commands from project sub-directories
     (implemented, but the discussion can be helpful)

     Allow running bst commands from workspace directory

     Allow project relative workspace paths (closed but as
     mentioned above, does not really allow project relative
     workspaces, and encourages a workflow we cannot really

     Allow workspace commands to work on multiple elements

     Opening a workspace with a cached build

I think it makes sense to freeze any development on these workspace
productivity / DX features until we actually have a sensible plan, and
I am asking those who have vested interest in seeing those features
materialize, to step up and outline a proposal for how we should
semantically support as much of these features as possible.

Best Regards,


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