Re: Proposal for Remote Execution

On 18/04/18 17:01, Tristan Maat wrote:
Forwarding this little thread for completeness, I
look to have forgotten to CC the ML:


Hi Tristan,

On Wed, 2018-04-18 at 16:19 +0100, Tristan Maat wrote:
> CAS Artifact Cache
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> As a first phase I'm proposing to introduce an artifact cache based on CAS > as defined in the Remote Execution API. This can completely replace the > existing tar and OSTree artifact cache backends with a single cross-platform
> implementation.

Considering this should just plug snuggly into the existing cache interface, I don't expect this to be a problem, but to be on the safe side - I'm assuming the WIP cache expiry methods can be implemented in a CAS-based cache as well?

Yes, the structure of the CAS artifact cache is very similar to the
OSTree artifact cache except that there are no commit objects, refs
directly point to Merkle tree hashes. I haven't implemented a purge
method yet but I'm not expecting any significant differences with
regards to cache expiration.
If we're planning to use the Bazel method then there will be linked objects in the CAS, e.g. build logs and build commands linked to a particular build action, more things than just the build result which we currently cache. We'll probably want to delete all the linked objects at the same time, which might require some more thought.

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