Re: Jinja2 syntax for conditionals

Thanks for the response here.

To be clear I don't have any particular attachment to Jinja2, I just didn't want to propose "please use infix syntax that looks like Python" without some kind of implementation to back it up.

I did look for a standalone "Python-like DSL for conditional expressions" library and found nothing; I'm sure other projects implement such a thing (Meson does, for example) but none of them have gone to the extra effort of maintaining it as a separate shared library. (Which is perhaps a point in favour of also doing our own thing in BuildStream... although that still feels wrong to me).

On 19/09/17 04:30, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
The whole thing is only 150 lines, and could be less if we didn't care
about the "is defined" / "is undefined" operators (which require some
special case hackery).

Right we dont really need that I think, considering that we already
mandate that the project define what these variables are before their
values can ever be controlled by a user (so the proper response for a
reference to something undefined is to simply error out anyway).

Yeah that makes sense on reflection. I just copied that code path across from Ansible anyway.

To make it work we just embed the condition expression into a template
and then render it through jinja2 to get a result. Of course it feels a
bit dirty, but Ansible has been doing this since 2012 to implement
'when' conditions in playbooks and it seems to be working well enough
for their tens of thousands of users.

So jinja2 seems to be a pretty huge thing, even includes it's own
execution sandbox (no idea why this is, or if it's a real sandbox or
some kind of python venv or what)...

It's 7K lines of Python, with 1 external dependency (MarkupSafe). The package is 2.4MB installed, while BuildStream is 2.8MB. So it's not a lightweight dep, but I don't think "it's too big" on its own can rule out this approach.

The "sandbox" is just a bunch of small mixin classes. I think it's there because you can pass arbitrary Python objects as variables into templates, and Python objects can do operator overloading so theoretically you might end up with 'a == b' formatting your hard drive because type(a).__eq__() does something horrible. That wouldn't affect us as we'd control everything we pass in.

So it doesn't do anything like BuildStream's bubblewrap sandbox or virtualenv, it's just intercepting functional calls that may have side effects.

And the way it is used in your example is to have the jinja2 templating
engine resolve a template in memory, and then evaluate the resulting
generated text to return a boolean value from.

This does seem vastly complex and roundabout in terms of codepaths
reached; for the simple things we need... and then what we get out of
it is... a rigid syntax or set of existing operators that cannot be
easily extended ?

There's a certain ugliness to it indeed, but on the other hand these codepaths have probably hundreds of thousands of users already and are maintained by other people.

Extensibility is certainly needed. I don't think there should be any need to redefine what "+" or "==" mean beyond the existing Jinja2/Python-like interpretations of them, but we'll want to add helper functions. Jinja2 expressions can execute callables using the () operator, so let's say we want to implement a join_path() method, we could write that in Python and pass it in as a global to the template environment, and then write conditions like:

    full_path == join_path(prefix, libdir)

That said the jury is still out on the general direction of this; you
seem to be after the exact opposite of what I'm looking for and I'm
trying to understand / balance the reasoning behind this:

   Do we want something fully specified and very cute, with a rigid
   non-extensible syntax that other programmers may recognize because
   they might have used that syntax before ?


   Do we only want a data serialization format that is a bit more
   practical than YAML is for the purpose of serializing optionally
   quoted strings and numbers ?
>    The exact same thing can be done with JSON or YAML, it just happens
   to be practical to use S expressions for these one liners.

I don't see this as the question at all. Either way we're adding logical expressions to what was previously a serialization format, and making something that is (a) a serialization format with syntax sugar for variants, or (b) something else.

Sure you can represent the syntax tree of the S-Expressions as a YAML data structure, the same is true of the syntax tree of the Jinja2 expressions.

For me the questions are:

1) do we want to use S-Expressions, or a more Python-like syntax?

2) do we want to write and maintain the execution engine ourselves, or reuse something that exists?

Also, when you say:

   "What I'm suggesting is that we avoid creating a new DSL for
    expressions in the first place"

I'm not sure that this qualifies; i.e. if parsing some serialized data
to be interpreted as nested conditional expressions qualifies as
creating a new DSL, certainly the BuildStream format itself, even
though expressed through YAML, is also it's own DSL.

There's no universally agreed place where we draw the line between "code" and "data". In my view, once we have self-modifying conditional expressions we're crossing line into "code", regardless of whether the syntax used is S-Expressions or Jinja2 expressions, or YAML. Where the line is doesn't really matter, my point is that (if we ignore implementation details) our proposals amount to the same thing.

While looking for alternative serialization formats for expressions, I
did come across this which is interesting:

Which is a thing called "sweet expressions" and basically is just a
slightly more exotic parser around S expressions, making them appear to
be more like fancy programming languages look like.

That's interesting indeed.


Sam Thursfield, Codethink Ltd.
Office telephone: +44 161 236 5575

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