[Builder] Function and class fuzzy search for Python source code?


I've recently started using Builder to work on a medium-sized Python project (until then, I was using vim 
which I really like for smaller codebases, but it becomes a bit complicated when having to handle bigger 
and/or less known codebases).

Builder is a beautifully crafted piece of software that integrates perfectly well in the GNOME desktop 
environment, so I really like it :)

I noticed the Global Search feature (Ctrl+.) doesn't seem to work for Python code. When I start typing a 
function or class name, nothing comes up (typing a filename works, though). However, when Ctrl+clicking on a 
function in a source code file, this usually takes me where I want.

In Builder source code, I noticed a few "*-pack" plugins [1], and even though there is a "pyhon-pack", it 
doesn't seem to have all the niceties than, say, "vala-pack".

Could that be the reason why function/class fuzzy search doesn't work with Python source code? If so, what 
would be a good first step to take in order to implement this?

Thanks in advance!

[1] https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-builder/tree/master/src/plugins


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