Re: [Builder] builtin plugin development with flatpak-installed builder

On 05/05/2018 08:59 AM, Henry Finucane wrote:
I've been trying to test changes to a builtin plugin with a copy of Builder
installed from flatpak, and my current strategy has been to disable the
original, copy it to ~/.local/share/gnome-builder/plugins/, change the name
of the python module, and change the name of the plugin. This works, but
it's also sort of a pain, and I wonder if I'm missing something? Can I
sideload things into the flatpak? Should I just buckle down and get full
flatpak builds of Builder working?

The .local/share/gnome-builder/plugins/ directory should be higher
priority than anything bundled/installed. Have you found renaming the
plugin to be necessary?

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