[Builder] Find/replace implememtation


I've started this the weekend, and haven't move very far mostly
because I've been reading Builder's code.

Now, there's things to consider when doing find/replace

+ Do we want the find/replace dialog to belong to a particular view,
or application wide. By doing it application wide we allow the user to
switch between sources and keep executing the same search.
+ There's two mockups for the feature, one making it dialog and one
making it part of the chrome on a view [1]. By choosing one over the
other we kinda fix the issue stated before
+ Also, some code editors has the ability to "find in files" an
SublimeText at least has the ability to replace on various files at
once. Do we want this?
+ Just another thing, we might want to mark the gutter/scrollbars with
the place of the occurrences if/when the file is huge.

## On the implementation front

Considering the issues before solved, where do we attach the
find/replace functionality. If it would be local is easy, that would
make it part of GbEditorFrame (or at it launching from there). If we
should to make it application wide, we need to hear on the activation
of GbEditorViews from someone so we can adjust to it when the user
change the source he's viewing/editing.

## Schedule

I'd like it to get it in time for 3.15.4, but as with every simple
thing made right it takes time to cook the details. I'm guess it will
be done after the release on Monday.

[1]: https://wiki.gnome.org/Design/Whiteboards/GeditFindReplace

Your thoughts on this.

On 14/01/2015, Christian Hergert <christian hergert me> wrote:
On 01/14/2015 06:26 AM, Erick Pérez Castellanos wrote:
## Search Results Layout

  |      Switch To | my-widget.md                              [==-] |
  |                | my-widget.ui                              [=- ] |
  |                | my-widget.c                               [=- ] |
  |                | my-widget.h                               [=- ] |
  | Jump to Symbol | my_widget_init                            [=- ] |
  |                | my_widget_class_init                      [-  ] |
  |                | my_widget_do_something                    [-  ] |
  |                |                                          2 more |
  |  Read Docs For | GtkWidget                                 [-  ] |
  |                | GtkTextView                               [-  ] |
  |                | GtkSourceView                             [-  ] |
  |                |                                         20 more |
  |     Calculator | hex(3*10) = 1E                                  |

"Switch to" and "Open Document" could be merge, in the end its the same
Also I think preferences could be excluded from here. There's a
shorcut to get into the preferences dialog and search inside the
dialog. The same for actions, those are available from the command bar
and it has autocompletion.

Merging Switch To and Open Document makes sense from the user
perspective. A bit harder from the implementation perspective (since the
Git index knows nothing about open documents). But I think it's
worthwhile to do this merging.

I'm wondering if we can replace the command bar with the global search
(with the exception of VIM mode). I think once history is exposed into
the command bar, it will stand well on it's own (so I think the answer
is no, we can't replace it).

## Shortcuts

On the idea of limiting the output we could do something like:
"c: my_widget" will show only the results of the "c" search providers,
the colon will act as a delimiter and if the user want to search for
the string `c:` it can always wrapped into single-quotes.

Yes, the idea is to only show the relevant search provider's results
when the character prefix is matched.

I don't think we can provide meaningful results with a single character
search query, so I'm not too worried about a delimiter between the
provider and the result.

As we get a real search engine, (with bi-grams and tri-grams), then
things like quoted strings makes sense.

## Search Context

Again, if the user clicks on the "X more" link there's no need to show
the results of other providers, clearly the user wants the results of
that provider and not the others

My thought was that we'd slide in from the right the search query
limited to that provider. (With the standard back arrow at the top to go

Technical detail: This will execute the query a second time, but just
for that provider. This way we can discard items that are not high
enough score without creating costly objects for them in the normal case.

-- Christian

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