Re: status and future thoughts

From: Frederic Peters <fpeters 0d be>
Subject: Re: status and future thoughts
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 10:54:47 +0200

> Iago Toral wrote:
> > Looks like there have been some changes in jhbuild and the modulesets
> > that we need to apply to our deployment. We'll likely need to update out
> > jhbuild version (which is kind of annoying because we will need to
> > manually merge at least part of the patches we're using).
> Feel free to bug me about them :)
The problem is that recently, at 2007-09-16, the moduleset was modified to
add gtk-vnc, that uses a hg repository (mercurial).

The current release of jhbuild that we are using (r1374) doesn't support 
this kind of repositories. The support for this was added on r1518.

It seems that jhbuild fails when it reads the moduleset, because doesn't
know nothing about hg, although is trying to compile other project.

So, the options could be:
  * As Iago comment on a previous mail, update jhbuild version.
  * Use a old moduleset, not the svn one.

So, don't worry, this is not a jhbuild bug :)

API (apinheiro igalia com)

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