Ubuntu 8.04 server and Apache2 webserver

Hi all,
I have very interesting problem. I have Ubuntu 8.04 server and Apache2
webserver installed. Bugzilla is running on that server with mysql DB.

Here is the problem: when the user opens bugzilla main page and try to
login, browser reloads same page, clear both login fields
(username/pass) - same thing for Firefox and IE, but with the fact
that in Firefox adds line at the bottom of the page. Try another
login, and same thing happens - new line at the bottom of the page.
After 5-6 logins browser simply load blank page, and when I hit F5 it
returns me to Main page and still won`t to accept login.

However, when I click at login at upper part of the page, browser
opens other login page and that works fine (accepts credentials and
login user).
So, anybody has idea what`s going on? I think that this is something
connected with Apache2 web server, but I`m not sure.



Email: milatyor gmail com
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