Re: Bug-buddy-emails and accounts

On 7/26/05, Olav Vitters <olav bkor dhs org> wrote:
> Currently when a bug-buddy email is submitted and the user does _not_
> have a account we:
>  * asssign the bug to unknown gnome bugs
>  * set a field in the bugs table to the real reporter
> When this happens a weird comment is added telling other readers than
> the bug has been reassigned. This makes a reading think that the
> reporter doesn't receive the bugmail anymore. In practice they still do.
> For 2.20 I want responses to emails to automatically add the comment to
> the bug. There is a script for this that only needs some configuring
> (+procmail). That script only works for persons with a *valid* Bugzilla
> account.

Sweet, sounds great.  We'll need to check for "Out of Office
auto-reply" messages, though, and respond with a big automated

> Persons not having a Bugzilla account and just used bug-buddy will more
> likely:
>  - Not know about Bugzilla
>  - Reply to every email transmitted to them
> However, even with the add-comment-to-bug script this will still fail.
> This can be solved in two ways:
> 1. If the user can't be found, add the comment as unknown gnome bugs
> and include some text specifying the real submitter
> 2. Create normal Bugzilla accounts for bug-buddy emails
> Option 1 is a hack upon a hack. I like option 2 more. Just mail the
> password + instructions to them when the account has been created for
> the first time. When they finally use that password and login, they will
> actually be the reporter of the bugs they submitted (and have more
> privileges).
> Perhaps I could also do this for the existing accounts.
> Thoughts?

*shrug* I don't have any preferences between the two.  Luis, others?

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