Documentation - Questions to the dev

Hi all,

I'm almost done with my part of the documentation for Brasero, but I
would like to have some more informations from the developers on a
couple of things.

Let's start:

- Integrity check -

* When I insert a previously burned CD and click on "Check" without a
MD5 file, what is Brasero doing? What is it actually checking?

* Is the integrity check performed after every burn session?

- Plugins -

It seems I'm not able to have all the plugins Brasero can use. I've only
the default ones (local-track and md5sums).

* What are the other plugins?
* Is it possible to have some more description of these plugins to use
in the documentation? I've been using the small description that comes
with each plugin, I would like to write something more to the final

- Issue -

This is something I stumbled upon: if I disable the md5sums plugin in
the "Plugins" dialog, I'm still able to see the "Check integrity" menu
entry and still able to perform the integrity check, but obviously
Brasero complains that the action is not supported. Wouldn't be better
to hide the menu entry if the plugin is disabled?

If I enable only the md5sum and not the md5sum-file plugin and perform a
integrity check, Brasero exits with a segmentation fault. Re-launching
it, try to perform another integrity check and it says that "the drive
can't be locked (ongoing checksuming operation)".

The same happens if I disable all the md5sums plugins and the enalbe
only the md5sum-file plugin, Brasero exits with a segmentation fault,
and then I can't perform another integrity check.

The version I tested is 0.7.1, the one in Ubuntu 8.04.


Milo Casagrande <milo_casagrande yahoo it>

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