Hi, I'm working on bug 547111 and I'm looking for some help and information about the new "Video project". :) I'm trying to create a new video project, but if I choose some AVI files, it complais with an error like "... does not have a suitable type for video projects" (sometimes it happens with random video files: mpg, qt, avi, wmv...) What kind of files should someone use? When I add a big file and I want to burn it, I click "Burn" the first time to open the "Disc Burning Setup" dialog, but then I cannot click on it anymore nor I'm able to click on the "Properties" button next to the drop-down list at the top nor to choose the number of copies... (I have an empty CD in the burner and I'm trying to burn 300MB, brasero version is from SVN). What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help! Cheers. -- Milo Casagrande <milo_casagrande yahoo it>
Description: Questa =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E8?= una parte del messaggio firmata digitalmente