Re: Blepsynth Cutoff Range

On 14.07.20 14:39, Stefan Westerfeld via beast wrote:
Am 14.07.20 um 03:19 schrieb Tim Janik:
the Blebsynth Filter range is currently created as 20..24000:

pid_cutoff_ = add_param ("Cutoff", "Cutoff", 20, 24000, 1000, "Hz", STANDARD + "logcenter=880:");

Those boundaries don't fit exactly for a straight logarithmic mapping like
you gave in the comment below, if you also want a straight mapping of
pixels to octaves (i.e. map 0..1 to an integer set of octaves).

I don't want an integer number of octaves - see below.

The value range closest to the current boundaries that I could find is
centered around F#5 (739.99Hz):

begin=440 * 2**(9/12.) / 2**5. ; end= 440 * 2**(9/12.) * 2**5.
print begin, end
23.1246514194771 23679.6430535446

Let me know if I should use different boundaries when I'm implementing
logarithmic parameters.

Is there a reason why you want to have "whole" octaves?

Just that yesterday you wrote "even though what we wanted is that each octave
takes the same number of pixels", so I was wondering if that meant "whole" octaves.

Two examples for possible cutoff ranges:

 - 20..24000 corresponds to log(24000/20)/log(2) = 10.23 octaves
 - 20..30000 corresponds to log(30000/20)/log(2) = 10.55 octaves

I don't see any reason to quantize the ranges as to enforce choosing
either 10 or 11 octaves instead of implementing the ranges exactly. As
long as the mapping is logarithmic it should be ok for the user for
automation and ui controls, even if we don't have an integer number of

I would understand if for some reason you want to quantize the
lower/upper bound to an integer number midi note.

Yeah, as I wrote earlier, 23.1246514194771 & 23679.6430535446 are the closest
MIDI notes to the current Cutoff boundaries, and since both are F# that just
happens to match to exactly 10.0 Octaves.
I'm not sure how important that quantization is, but I guess it might make the
UI look nicer if we start annotating Hz with MIDI notes + cent.

   Cu... Stefan

On 13.07.20 13:13, Stefan Westerfeld via beast wrote:
    I have just added logscale mappings

The mappings you added are obviously useful, especially for milliseconds (x^3)
mappings, but these are /not logscale/. A true logscale mapping plots as line if
you |set logscale y| in gnuplot. A true logscale mapping is fully determined by
two points, a center is not necessary. Here is how that would compare to the
function you implemented:

|begin=32.7; end=8372; center=523; e=log((end-begin) / (center-begin)) / log(2)
print e; set logscale y; plot [0:1] begin + x**e * (end-begin), center, exp (log
(begin) + x * (log (end) - log (begin))) |

You can also see that this is not true logscale in BlepSynth frequency knob. It
has more pixels for 20..40 Hz than it has for 12000..24000 Hz, even though what
we wanted is that each octave takes the same number of pixels.

Yours sincerely,
Tim Janik
Free software author.

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