Re: Small sound when using Orca on Ubuntu Mate - Raspberry Pi , From Hanoi - Vietnam

Hi, thuy pham:

I have several suggestions for you.

First, I want to invite you to join the Orca and Blinux lists, where
users of this technology provide support to one another. If you need
Orca, you are far more likely to get help via these other lists.

orca-list mailing list
orca-list gnome org
Orca wiki:
Orca documentation:
GNOME Universal Access guide:

And, the more general blinux list:
Blinux-list mailing list
Blinux-list redhat com
 Next about setting the audio volume, two suggestions--though there are
 other ways, too.

 1.)    In the Gnome Desktop you should be able to do Alt+Ctrl+TAB to
 get to the Gnome Menu. Under System you'll find audio settings for

 2.)    I personally prefer to manage this from a command terminal, e.g.
 gnome-terminal, using alsa directly.

 amixer controls

 will show you all the available controls for your audio card--assuming
 you have only one.

 amixer cget numid=X

 will show you the current value, where X is one of the controls you
 just listed out.

 amixer cset numidX=Y

 will reset that value to the new value Y.

 If you have more than one sound card, you need to be specific about
 which card you're sending commands for. You do that like this:

 amixer -c0 controls

 where 0 is the first card. To get a list of cards, use:

 aplay -l

 Hope this helps, and hope to see you on the Orca and Blinux lists soon!



thuy pham writes:
Hi everyone.
My name Pham Xuan Thuy. I'm from Hanoi, Vietnam.
I install Ubuntu Mate for Raspberry Pi 3, and Orca is available on Ubuntu
However, sound come out of the Orca very small. Please help me, changes
volume of this sound. Thank you so much!

My setup is show on enclosed video.


*Phạm Xuân Thùy*

*Ha Noi University of Science and Technology *
*Mobile phone: 0962.539.275*

beast mailing list
beast gnome org


Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

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