Re: [tim-janik/beast] Translated SNet module menu duplication (#20)

I managed to reproduce this here, using:


The duplicate entries are due to a mixture of translated labels used in the menu paths. I.e. in one place we create a menu item "_Audio Quellen" from "/_Audio Sources/", in another place we refer to that menu entry as "/Audio Sources/XtalStrings". Some module names are translated, others not, and then the menu logic can not always properly join items, becuase the paths aren't translated piecewise.

Basically, there's no good way to fix this, other than redoing the path specifications during our next module migration. We need to split up the segments, so joining, translation and accelerator creation can be properly segmented. E.g.:

-Info    category   = _("/Enhance/ArtsCompressor");
+Info    menu_category   = "Enhance";
+Info    module_title        = _("ArtsCompressor");

And maybe (just maybe), we shouldn't be translating the module names at all, since those are names after all. Or have a secondary title, to help beginners, e.g.:

-Info    category  = _("/Audio Sources/DavOrgan");
+Info    menu_category   = _("Audio Sources");    // DE: "Audio Quellen"
+Info    module_name     = "DavOrgan";
+Info    module_title        = _("synthetic organ");    // DE: "Synthetische Orgel";

Which becomes:

EN: → Audio Sources → DavOrgan (synthetic organ)
DE: → Audio Quellen → DavOrgan (Synthetische Orgel)

I'm happy to take patches towards implementing this. Short of someone else hacking on this, I'll probably address this at a later point when the plugin idl files need to be migrated.

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