Re: [tim-janik/beast] BSE: bse_cast - an API suggestion of how to handle bse object casts (#34)

@tim-janik requested changes on this pull request.

I've added some review comments inline (trying this out in github to see if that's a helpful feature). The most important point is the fact that as<> (or a new bse_cast<>) will be temporary measures that we ultimately want to get rid of in libbse.

In bse/bseobject.hh:

> @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ typedef enum				/*< skip >*/
 /* --- typedefs & structures --- */


In bse/bseobject.hh:

> @@ -88,6 +89,15 @@ struct BseObject : GObject {
+template<class ObjectImplP>
+ObjectImplP bse_cast (BseObject *object)
  1. return values should always go on their own line, so here, you'd write:

    template ObjectImplP
    bse_cast (BseObject *object)

  2. There're a lot more back and forth conversions going on between C and C++ objects. E.g. we have as<> variants for BseItem* -> Bse::ItemImpl, -> Bse::ItemIface, -> Bse::ItemImplP, Bse::ItemIfaceP, and also for going from each of those to back to BseItem*. A bse_cast<> macro that wants to handle those conversions should use SFINAE measures (or static_assert - easier but not always possible) to a) only convert BseObject* or derived into C++ types, b) convert only Bse::ObjectIface, Bse::ObjectImpl or shared_ptr variants thereof into the corresponding BseObject* C type.

I honestly don't know how much work that involves to get right. You might want to give it a shot, but please keep in mind that after we've completed the SfiProxy property -> C++ accessor and signal -> Aisa::Event migrations, there's a huge BSE-internal cleanup phase pending where we'll attempt to merge the existing C structs with the Aida C++ classes. So ultimately, the as<> methods or any bse_cast<> variant thereof will be a temporary measure.

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