Party Monster audio test


Beast has an automated test framework (in the CVS version in
slowtests/audio), which allows us to test that the output of .bse files
stays the same after doing changes to the code. The process works by
extracting features (such as the spectrum) of the original test run and
the new test run, and comparing these.

When I tried to add partymonster.bse to the automated tests, however, I
saw that the output bsesh creates differs from run to run. Since
bsefcompare compares them with an algorithm similar to human perception,
they are still very close (far above 99%), and as human listener there
is no difference. But they are not completely the same, and do not meet
the 99.99% comparision threshold we normally use.

I investigated further, and the problem are modules that use random
data, so I did some hacks to eliminate the random data, to prove that
then the test passes like it should. So here is the patch, with which
the test passes:

Index: plugins/
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/beast/plugins/,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -p -r1.2
--- plugins/	7 Mar 2005 07:40:39 -0000	1.2
+++ plugins/	24 May 2006 21:51:44 -0000
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ class Noise : public NoiseBase {
       g_return_if_fail (n_values <= block_size()); /* paranoid */
-      ostream_set (OCHANNEL_NOISE_OUT, &(*noise_data)[rand() % (noise_data->size() - n_values)]);
+      //ostream_set (OCHANNEL_NOISE_OUT, &(*noise_data)[rand() % (noise_data->size() - n_values)]);
+      ostream_set (OCHANNEL_NOISE_OUT, &(*noise_data)[0]);
@@ -66,8 +67,12 @@ public:
     const int N_NOISE_BLOCKS = 20;
     noise_data.resize (block_size() * N_NOISE_BLOCKS);
+    GRand *random_generator = g_rand_new_with_seed (0xdeadbeaf);
     for (vector<gfloat>::iterator ni = noise_data.begin(); ni != noise_data.end(); ni++)
-      *ni = 1.0 - rand() / (0.5 * RAND_MAX);  // FIXME: should have class noise
+      *ni = g_rand_double_range (random_generator, -1, 1);
+    g_rand_free (random_generator);
Index: plugins/davsyndrum.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/beast/plugins/davsyndrum.c,v
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -u -p -r1.29 davsyndrum.c
--- plugins/davsyndrum.c	16 May 2006 10:20:47 -0000	1.29
+++ plugins/davsyndrum.c	24 May 2006 21:51:44 -0000
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ dmod_process (BseModule *module,
           /* trigger drum */
           dmod_trigger (dmod,
                         freq_in ? BSE_FREQ_FROM_VALUE (freq_in[i]) : dmod->params.freq,
-                        ratio_in ? ratio_in[1] : 1.0);
+                        ratio_in ? ratio_in[i] : 1.0); /* FIXME: <- bug? */
           spring_vel = dmod->spring_vel;
           env = dmod->env;
           freq_rad = dmod->freq_rad;
Index: plugins/davxtalstrings.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/beast/plugins/davxtalstrings.c,v
retrieving revision 1.33
diff -u -p -r1.33 davxtalstrings.c
--- plugins/davxtalstrings.c	8 May 2006 01:37:22 -0000	1.33
+++ plugins/davxtalstrings.c	24 May 2006 21:51:44 -0000
@@ -303,11 +303,17 @@ xmod_trigger (XtalStringsModule *xmod,
   /* Add some snap. */
   for (i = 0; i < xmod->size; i++)
     xmod->string[i] = pow (xmod->string[i], xmod->tparams.snap_factor * 10.0 + 1.0);
+  GRand *random_generator = g_rand_new_with_seed (0xdeadbeaf);
   /* Add static to displacements. */
   for (i = 0; i < xmod->size; i++)
     xmod->string[i] = (xmod->string[i] * (1.0F - xmod->tparams.metallic_factor) +
-		       (bse_rand_bool () ? -1.0F : 1.0F) * xmod->tparams.metallic_factor);
+		       (g_rand_boolean(random_generator) ? -1.0F : 1.0F) * xmod->tparams.metallic_factor);
+  g_rand_free (random_generator);
   /* Set velocity. */
   for (i = 0; i < xmod->size; i++)
     xmod->string[i] *= xmod->tparams.trigger_vel;
Index: slowtests/audio/
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/beast/slowtests/audio/,v
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -u -p -r1.20
--- slowtests/audio/	21 May 2006 18:04:12 -0000	1.20
+++ slowtests/audio/	24 May 2006 21:51:45 -0000
@@ -80,3 +80,13 @@ velocity-test:
 	$(BSEFEXTRACT) $(@F).wav --cut-zeros --channel 1 --avg-spectrum --spectrum --avg-energy >> $(@F).tmp
 	$(BSEFCOMPARE) $(srcdir)/velocity.ref $(@F).tmp --threshold 99.99
 	rm -f $(@F).tmp $(@F).wav
+# the BEAST demo song
+FEATURE_TESTS += partymonster-test
+EXTRA_DIST += partymonster.ref
+	$(BSE2WAV) $(top_srcdir)/library/demo/partymonster.bse $(@F).wav
+	$(BSEFEXTRACT) $(@F).wav --cut-zeros --channel 0 --avg-spectrum --spectrum --avg-energy --end-time  > $(@F).tmp
+	$(BSEFEXTRACT) $(@F).wav --cut-zeros --channel 1 --avg-spectrum --spectrum --avg-energy --end-time >> $(@F).tmp
+	$(BSEFCOMPARE) $(srcdir)/partymonster.ref $(@F).tmp --threshold 99.99
+	rm -f $(@F).tmp $(@F).wav 
Index: tools/
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/beast/tools/,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -u -p -r1.28
--- tools/	21 May 2006 01:24:11 -0000	1.28
+++ tools/	24 May 2006 21:51:54 -0000
@@ -176,16 +176,25 @@ struct Feature
   const char *description;
   bool        extract_feature;      /* did the user enable this feature with --feature? */
+  string
+  double_to_string (double data) const
+  {
+    char *x = g_strdup_printf ("%.17g", data);
+    string s = x;
+    g_free (x);
+    return s;
+  }
   void print_value (const string& value_name, double data) const
-    fprintf (options.output_file, "%s = %f;\n", value_name.c_str(), data);
+    fprintf (options.output_file, "%s = %s;\n", value_name.c_str(), double_to_string (data).c_str());
   void print_vector (const string& vector_name, const vector<double>& data) const
     fprintf (options.output_file, "%s[%ld] = {", vector_name.c_str(), data.size());
     for (vector<double>::const_iterator di = data.begin(); di != data.end(); di++)
-      fprintf (options.output_file, " %f", *di);
+      fprintf (options.output_file, " %s", double_to_string (*di).c_str());
     fprintf (options.output_file, " };\n");
@@ -210,7 +219,7 @@ struct Feature
 	const vector<double>& line = *mi;
 	for (vector<double>::const_iterator li = line.begin(); li != line.end(); li++)
-	  fprintf (options.output_file, " %f", *li);
+	  fprintf (options.output_file, " %s", double_to_string (*li).c_str());
 	fprintf (options.output_file, " }\n");
     fprintf (options.output_file, "};\n");

Some comments on the patch:
 * eliminating random data in doesn't change the similarity
   score too much, but is of course necessary for 100% matches
 * davsyndrum.c: I think I found a bug here, and the fix can be
   committed right away
 * the main randomness problem really is in the davxtalstrings.c module,
   after eliminating this source of random, my compare runs were much
   more similar than before

As for the last change, I think it might be useful to increase the
precision with which bsefextract outputs its extracted features. As a
user trying to read the feature file with an editor, I dislike using the
%.17g format, because its much harder to read than %f. The other thing
that I dislike about it as a casual user is that matrix features
(--spectrum) are not aligned any more, that is, the numbers of two
different lines no longer start at the same column.

However, as a developer, I see that %f and %.17g features are so
different that changing the bsefextract output from one to another
actually breaks some existing tests. This leads me to the conclusion
that %f's implicit quantization could have the same effect in some
real world scenarios (i.e. 0.000003 vs. 0.000002 in a spectrum feature
could bring similarity below the threshold, although the "real" distance
- the "double" distance before writing the feature file - between both
extracted features might be much smaller than 0.000001).

   Cu... Stefan
Stefan Westerfeld, Hamburg/Germany,

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