Thinking about midi-program/midi-mapping

I talked with Tim a lot about this, here my idea how to put in the 
midi-program commands:

We should have a midi-program input module. Thats one with certain binary 
outputs I'd presume. The binary ones can be choosed from:

program number (bits)
bank number (bits)

So if you choose bank 0 you'll get 00000000 and for program 1 000 0001 (7 Bits 
for programs).

Then you connect the binary bits with switching modules, that can turn off or 
on whole module-trees. 

With this we could handle to switch on or off pipes by (preset) commands from 
Midi or sequencer and it would be useful from all other inputs.

Additionally we should map every midi or internal command through an internal 
mapper working like Qmidimap for example. With this we can change every note 
to every channel we like from the range its played, the volume, the velocity 
or any other vector. 

We have to talk about this, I dont assume you'll get the whole idea with a 
description this short.

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