Re: [Banshee-List] Installing 2.9.1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected in


Was there any advancements regarding an up-to-date compile guide?

In the last years, I tried several time to compile Banshee on several Ubuntu versions, but I failed. I remember being able to compile Banshee with code from, but it was not a working versions since some "blocks" of the interface were empty.

Meanwhile, I developed my programming skills, mainly with Python, in a Linux environment, and I want to retry.

I am desperately willing to develop Banshee. Thus, I am interested to get or work on an up-to-date guide on how to set up a development and build environment on a recent Ubuntu system.

Any chance someone has information or can help to achieve this? What is the environment used by the persons or bots that are able to build Banshee for a recent Debian-based Linux distribution? Banshee is still available in the official Ubuntu repository, so I assume this information exists somewhere :).

Any help is welcome,



Le 2018-08-11 à 22:19, Sharky via banshee-list a écrit :
Hi Nick/all, hope you're well.

Are you aware whether there's been any progress on banshee install
functionality since Dec 17, most notably the PPA or a DEB installer or
similar? Though I'd ask before I go through this thread and try to compile a
clean install guide.


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