Re: [Banshee-List] Bugs, Features & Forks

Hi again!

Thanks! I installed gtk-sharp from the GitHub master branch, which produces version 2.99.4, and the "make" process worked!

Before that, I reran "". Then, I did "sudo make install", which installed Banshee under /usr/lib/banshee/.

However, Banshee does not start correctly. When I run "/usr/lib/banshee/Banshee.exe --debug", I receive the log available at, where we can see this error :

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Banshee.GStreamer.PlayerEngine' from assembly 'Banshee.GStreamer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

Do you have any idea on how to solve? Did I install it correctly?

I would love to be able to run Banshee from a compiled source code, because it means that I'll be able to dive into its development, something I wish for several years, but I never succeeded in completing this cycle.



Le 2017-01-05 à 13:42, Nicholas Little via banshee-list a écrit :
Hi Christian,

Sorry to hear about the errors you encountered when compiling, I don't
think you're missing a dependency but it sounds like you'll need to
install a later version of gtk-sharp than is provided by your
distribution to correct that error, for reference I install from git
[1] and this is the metadata from the resulting package config file
(installed at /usr/lib64/pkgconfig) for comparison with what you have:

Name: Gtk#
Description: Gtk# - GNOME .NET Binding
Version: 2.99.4
Cflags: -I:${gapidir}/pango-api.xml -I:${gapidir}/atk-api.xml
Libs: -r:${libdir}/mono/gtk-sharp-3.0/cairo-sharp.dll
Requires: glib-sharp-3.0 gio-sharp-3.0 gdk-sharp-3.0

I'm an autotools novice so it'll be good practise to add a macro to
check the version (feel free to beat me to it, I have nothing against
pull requests) though I'm not 100% certain on whether 2.99.4 is needed
or if you could get away with just 2.99.1.

Hope that helps.


On 5 January 2017 at 16:37, Christian Perreault
<christian perreault 2 gmail com> wrote:
Hi Nicholas,

I tried to build your "feature/lite" branch on Ubuntu 16.10 and I encounter
these errors :

Making all in Gtk.Extra
  MCS   ../../../bin/Gtk.Extra.dll
./Gtk/Popover.cs(30,48): error CS0234: The type or namespace name
`MenuModel' does not exist in the namespace `GLib'. Are you missing an
assembly reference?
./Gtk/Popover.cs(149,30): error CS0234: The type or namespace name
`MenuModel' does not exist in the namespace `GLib'. Are you missing an
assembly reference?
Compilation failed: 2 error(s), 0 warnings

The does not complain about any missing dependency (see it at

For the full "make" log, please see it at

Am I missing a dependency, is it a code problem or something else?

Thanks a lot in advance for any help,


Le 2016-12-30 à 06:22, Nicholas Little via banshee-list a écrit :

Hi folks,

I've been working on my copy of Banshee over the holiday season and
thought some of you might be interested in some changes I've
implemented there:

- revised auto-tools setup:
  > vanilla autoreconf now works;
  > --enable-x switches added for all extensions;
  > some components like the Clients and DAP are also covered;
  > some tweaks to mono discovery to look in extra places.
- improved DAP user experience for MTP:
  > no-longer try to auto-connect, instead;
  > display the potential source interface and connect without UI swapping;
  > it's no faster, but it feels better.
- mostly new user interface, I thought Banshee was looking a little old:
  > with luck this will be lighter, for example it doesn't have filters;
  > slightly different layout, focus on saving real estate;
  > couple of new widgets;
  > uses gtk3 HeaderBar so far, Popovers are planned.

If you check the source you'll notice a somewhat experimental feature
--enable-treeview, which switches Banshee's track list to use an Hyena
widget that inherits from the Gtk.TreeView widget and exposes the
protected interface for ListView, it mostly works as a drop in
replacement though drag and drop is a bit tricky and the album browser
isn't supported by it. On the other hand you get kinetic scrolling and
it feels pretty snappy.

A few bug fixes went into this too, if you want to take a look, the
work is on branch feature/lite:

Anyway, if you've read this far and have some changes of your own that
you want to share then I'd be interested to see them.

Hope you all had a great holiday, cheers!

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