Hello, While I have some experience in computers, I'm a newbie migrating from Windows 10 to Linux Mint 18 Cinammon, using dual boot on an HP Pavilion laptop. For years have used Music Bee on Windows to manage and play about 5,000 audio tracks, MP3 and FLAC formats only, moving to latter progressively. I consider the rating tags are essential to a successful migration - issues with Windows 10 (non)support for rating tag in FLAC files just one among many reasons for this move to Linux Mint. Mint includes Banshee 2.6.3 in release 18, an organiser and player I would prefer anyway as it's the closest to Music Bee of the Linux organiser/players I've checked. Have not been able to find any audio player on Linux that picks up FLAC rating tags into the music library so far; checked Clementine, gMusicBrowser, RhythmBox, Nightingale, Exaile, Quod Libet. Banshee picks up other FLAC metadata checked so far like album, album artist and genre, and all MP3 tags, but FLAC files in the Banshee music library don't show the rating tag. I can assign a rating tag in Banshee manually and that works, but am reluctant to commit to re-tagging about 2,000 tracks by hand. Is this a bug, or is there a plugin or workaround for these missing rating tags in FLAC audio? Bill Crocker |