[Banshee-List] How to tell if Mirage is really scanning

I'm trying to use the Mirage plugin from the community-extensions.

I have it enabled and there's the spinning indicator in left bottom corner,
but it's been there for many days now and still nothing.

Shuffle by similar, or filling a play queue does not work at all.

I have roughly 60 GB of music, so I understand it takes time, but it'd be
really nice to check on the progress - I suspect it might simply not be doing
anything. I tried running banshee in terminal but there's just some garbage
from Gstreamer errors.

Here's my stderr grab if it can tell anything:

So, any way to check the progress - eg. where's a Mirage's DB file so I can
measure it's size?

And how long is the scanning expected to take? I have an i5 processor, quite fast, 
so that won't be a factor. I see intermittent 0-0.5% CPU usage by banshee when idle, 
which is suspiciously low considering it should be doing some FFT magic on my

Thanks for reply!

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