Re: [Banshee-List] banshee does not syncn/ write files

If you set the shuffle mode or the window size, does it get remembered?
And if you run it from the command-line as "banshee --debug" then do you
get a lot of errors about a missing equality method? I think Banshee on
openSUSE has a mismatch of library versions, so it needs an extra switch
to force it to use the right version of Mono so that it uses GConf

I've got a patch[1] on my custom version of Banshee[2] (which also has
some other custom changes - mainly album art related). Basically you
need to open /usr/bin/banshee (as root), find the line that runs Banshee
(the comment before it is "time to run our beloved") and add
"--runtime=v4.0" after "mono".


On 16/01/14 15:14, alinkenbach wrote:
I am trying to force banshee to write tag info into files and change file
names according to it.
When I tick "sync metadata..." and "copy files.." and "update files and
folder names" in the preferences and then change tag info nothing happens.
Going back to preferences show all three boxes unticked.
I have this problem on three different computers, all running opensuse.
Any ideas?

Banshee 2.6.1
OpenSuse 13.1 kde 4.11.4

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