Re: [Banshee-List] Missing panel control in Ubuntu 14.10

Chow Loong Jin <hyperair ubuntu com> writes:

On Sat, Dec 06, 2014 at 06:52:37AM +0000, Jeffery Small wrote:

I just upgraded to Ubuntu 14.10 and am running the xfce4 desktop.  In
14.04.1, when banshee was started it placed an icon (a blue music note)
in the notification tray of the xfce4 panel.  This provided very nice
mouse control over the player.  In 14.10 this icon is not appearing and
instead the player is integrated into the audio notification menu.  This
takes away
my ability to quickly pause/start banshee with the middle mouse button.
=20 Is there a way to force the panel icon to be redisplayed in 14.14.
This is with banshee 2.6.2.

No there isn't. At least not simply. I made quite a bit of noise about
this back when the notification area -> indicator icon switch happened
in Ubuntu, and the current sound menu is the compromise we arrived
at. Believe me, it used to be a lot worse.

Kind regards,
Loong Jin

Thanks Loong Jin.

I'm very sorry to hear this -- especially given that there is a
non-functioning option for this on the Preferences menu.  I sure wish
developers of these tools were more supportive of user preferences and
implemented GUI changes as options rather than forcing these things upon
everyone.  Given the Preference menu entry, maybe that is some indication
that this feature could be restored.  Is anyone on the development team
listing here?


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